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Posted by : clampschool Jumat, 08 Juni 2012


           A.    Meaning
A word is the smallest element of spoken or written that contains the semantic or pragmatic. A word can consist of a single morpheme (eg, oh, rock, red, fast, running, hope), or some (stone, redness, fast, running, unpredictable), while morphemes may not be able to stand on its own as a word ( in the words just mentioned, this is-s,-ness,-ly,-ing, un-,-ed).
A word can be identified based on criteria such as (1) be the smallest unit (2) has a feature (a) regular stress pattern, and (b) phonological changes on word boundaries. (3) be the largest unit is resistant to the insertion of new constituencies within its boundaries, or (4) be the smallest constituent that can be moved in a sentence without making a grammatical sentence.
The words can be combined to build larger elements of the language, such as phrases (red stone), clause (i threw a rock), and the sentence (he also threw stones, but he missed).

The conclusion is that the word is the smallest unit that has meaning and has a regular pattern of stress. We can make a sentence by merging some of the bigger words so that the incorporation of such a person can make communication easier.

            B.     Memory and Recognition

Memory is the storage of information - the information obtained and absorbed from the environment which are then processed according to the individual concerned. Memory is also a biological process, the information was coded and recalled. Basically the memory also is something that make up the human identity and distinguishes humans from other creatures. Memory gives people the ability to remember the past, and future forecasts. Memory is a collection of complex electrochemical reactions that are activated through various sensory channels and stored in a neural network is very complicated and unique in all parts of the brain. Dynamic nature of memory is constantly changing and evolving in line with the increase of information stored.
The theory most widely used by experts is the theory of the three processes of memory, as follows:
1)        Enconding is the process by which sensory information is converted into a form that can be remembered.
2)        Storage is the storage of what has been processed in the enconding.
3)        Retrieval is the recovery of what has been previously saved.
Hilgrad (1975) mentions three types of process of remembering, namely:
a.         Recall that the specific issue of information, usually directed to the use of cues. Selective attention is to restrict attention to a particular stimulus when there are many stimuli that are present in certain situations. Individuals are more concerned with the physical characteristics of the stimulus, for example, is the volume of sound and rhythm.
b.         Recognition is given to recognize that the stimulus has been presented previously. For example this includes multiple choice, students are only required to perform recognition for all the answer choices given. Students only need to recognize the correct answer among the choices.
c.         Redintegrative the process by connecting a variety of information into a fairly complete story. This process occurs when someone asked a name, for example, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (President RI), it will be remembered a lot about the character.

In understanding and producing language begins with the recognition of language or words, then understand the meaning and store it in memory. So as to make the process of retrieval, the recall of stored information in response to some cue for use in the process or activity.
The conclusion was that the recall and recognition have shown the existence of differences in the recognition function of the instructions given. These instructions help the organism to recognize information that will be remembered in particular long-term memory.
Information-Processing approach states that the memory can be understood through three processes, namely enconding, storage, and interval. But in the process involved three different memory systems, the sensory memory, short-term memory (short term memory), and long-term memory (long term memory).


Anonim. What is meaning.
Diakses pada tanggal 14 April 2012.

Chaer, A. 2009. Psikolinguistik Kajian Teorik. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. ( 1985). Psikolinguistik. Bandung: Angkasa

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